• Household Security Check List

    Front Door

    1. Is it fitted with a deadlocking security lock?
    2. Is a door viewer required?
    3. Is a security chain fitted?

    Back Door

    1. Is it fitted with a security lock?
    2. Are locking bolts fitted at top and bottom?

    Patio Doors (Hinged)

    1. Are patio bolts fitted at top and bottom?
    2. Are hinge bolts fitted?

    Patio Doors (Sliding)

    1. Are they fitted with a security deadlock?
    2. Are they fitted with an "Anti-Lift" device?
    3. Are they fitted with a patio bolt?


    1. Are all accessible windows fitted with locks?
    2. Are all accessible windows fitted with security stays?

    Garages and Sheds

    1. Are all internal doors between garage and house fitted with a security lock?
    2. Are all external doors securely locked with padlocks or security locks?