• The following are useful ideas and should be use as appropriate for your situation.

    1. Lock all doors and windows, including garage, house and garden shed.
    2. Cancel postal and newspaper deliveries or get a neighbour to collect your mail.
    3. Lock away all tools and ladders.
    4. Arrange for lawns and shrubs to be trimmed while you are away.
    5. Mark all your possessions with your own security mark.
    6. Display "Beware" signs if you have a dog or an alarm - advertise it.
    7. Leave a radio on quietly.
    8. Do not close your curtains.
    9. Leave appropriate internal light (s) on connected to a timer so it goes on at night only.
    10. Advise your neighbours of your plans. 
    11. Advise neighbour hood watch group.
    12. Divert or unplug your phone.